Saturday, July 26, 2014

Depressed? How About Some Good News!

WebSpeak Ezine decides that there is enough depressing news going on in the world. So for now on Webspeak Ezine publishes positive news. Webspeak E. also endeavors to make a positive contribution to the world and to help others to likewise.

One step is to have a page devoted to the praise of young people under the age of twenty-five. There needs to be more good said about the youth of the world.

Is there anyone out there in La La Internet Land that has something to contribute or say about this?

Friday, July 25, 2014

Computers Blogs & Social Media How Long?

There seems to be some discussion going on over the Internet as to whether computers, the Internet, blogs and social media are here to stay. Several articles appear on the net announcing the death of all three.

Here's some links about the death of the Internet: (This is a brief video by Google. A Harvard professor discusses the future of the Internet.)

Come back more will be added to this particular post later. Time ran out for now. Let us know what you think or add to this post from the comment section.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Brave Chihuahua protects Kittens!

Here's a very tiny dog that has a heart for the little guy! Lucky kittens to have someone care for them enough to protect them from someone so big! How about we humans? Are we really that caring for one another? This is a matter for thought!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Time for An Addition .

Well it is time to start adding to this blog again. A lot is new in this world since the last entry. Sorry about not writing more. That's because of cancer. The author is now in remission. Your prayers are appreciated!

Well the thought for today is about Apple. No not the one you eat but the one that makes computers and Iphones. If the reader looks over at the left hand of the page today there is a section of latest news. Seems Apple is in trouble. That's what the news says at the time of this posting. However since the news is dynamic or changing periodically I am posting links to the stories about Apple that concerns this post.

This is about Apple being in trouble. How accurate it is debatable.

First Sharp has a dispute with Apple. Seems "Apple owns a big chunk of LCD production at a Sharp facility. Now Sharp would like it back, thank you." Find more information about this dispute between Sharpat: 

There is more trouble brewing for Apple according to the following article in the news. The title is "Someone is Beating Apple at Its Own Game". The article says that the biggest competitor against Apple is a foreign company. Here's the link:

Does this mean that Apple's day is gone. Maybe. Yet Apple is not dead yet. 

Here's food for thought it could be just a brief glitch in Apple's life as a company. Then on the other hand it may be the start of a downhill spiral that will lead to the companies demise. 

Well reader's what do you think? Just click on the no comment button below and give us your two cents worth.