Friday, February 25, 2011

RE: Human Rights

Across the globe people are starting to stand up for themselves. For the most part it looks like they are trying to do it peacefully. Yet governments and powerful individuals act like they are afraid of this. Why is that?

Check out history. It is evident that the more the people below the top 1% prosper the more prosperous the 1% is. So let the little man be prosperous. As for the little man. Here is AMFT's thoughts and words of encouragements for you.

Remember this humanity! God and/or nature is on your side. The proof of this statement is that there are so many human beings. No autocrat or act of nature has yet wiped us out. Think about it. This particular e-card to you all tells how I feel about the global situation.

 The following are books from Amazon that may help you through the rough times. Just Click on the illustrations that will take you to the site that discribes each book or piece of literature.